Friday, May 30, 2014

Throwback Broga 3.0

After a year tak panjat bukit, last Tuesday we all plan to climb Broga Hill. This is my third time climbing Broga Hill. This time aku pergi dengan kegemukan. Last time panjat Broga tak seteruk kali ini. This time pancit..ini akibat dah lama tak bersenam and kegemukan.
I thought i'm gonna give up in the half way..but i challenged myself to reach up the hill. By then, i realised that i'm getting fat and fat..OMG...
Somehow,i make it and reached up the hill. tak salah cabar diri sendiri. Sesampai saja atas bukit, terus take a rest sambil cuci mata tengok pemandangam ciptaan Allah.

Chinese Fo_Od

For the first time,i try on Chinese food. After took down one paper, we all headed to Chinese restaurant for lunch since everybody getting hungry at that time.
My friend come out with an idea to try on Chinese restaurant. This restaurant located at Taman Sri Batu Caves and the name of the restaurant is Malaysia Kitchen Restaurant.
Basically, tourist from Chinese will have their lunch here and this restaurant close at 3 pm.
The food was awesome and delicious. The services also good. This restaurant was owned by Chinese Muallaf so it is halal. In terms of pricing..well, i can say it is affordable and reasonable.
Nothing to regret if give it a try at this restaurant.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Oh no! Final Year Project Exhibition..

Alhamdulillah, akhirnya masa yang di tunggu tiba juga. 
This showcase means farewell to us. Dua sem berturut-turut busy with coding and it come to the end.

So,this is the result. An application for library. 


 Setting up KICT MPH Hall for exhibition tomorrow. 73 projects will be present tomorrow. 
Esok boleh la tengok muka-muka hard coder yang coding all the time. 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

- Jelajah Makan -

Today kami jumpa tempat baru untuk dinner..actually,malam ni terasa mahu makan, mr.bam come out with an idea to try makan kat kedai makan yang tepi kubur. Kami selalu dengar kawan-kawan lain bercakap tentang kedai makan ni. They said makanan quite tasty.

So,malam ni kami pun ke kedai tersebut. There are 3 restaurant and we choose "deen seafood restaurant".
Menu utama kami tomyam campur and siakap tiga rasa. Menu sampingan pulak udang celup tepung, kailan ikan masin, ayam masak merah and telur dadar.For me,siakap tiga rasa sedap sangat. Terasa macam makan masakan my mom.

Overall, out of 10 i give 8..the food is delicious. Suasana kedai pun selesa.
p/s: next time boleh pergi lagi.. :)


Dalam kesibukan siapkan final year project,sempat lagi baca novel. Hobi membaca ni dulunya dah stop sejak masuk study.
Oleh kerana berjaya siapkan my task for final year promise to buy me novels..
And here, not only one..but four..hakshaks..
One novel for one day..not bad i think..hoyeahh

For me..semua ni petanda tak elok sebab membaca novel adalah satu ketagihan.after finish one novel..i go for another novel..and tak kan rasa tenang selagi tak habiskan membaca novel tu..

Somehow, i try control ketagihan tu. Masih banyak kerja yang perlu disiapkan plus musim exam dah nak dekat..


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