Friday, May 30, 2014

Throwback Broga 3.0

After a year tak panjat bukit, last Tuesday we all plan to climb Broga Hill. This is my third time climbing Broga Hill. This time aku pergi dengan kegemukan. Last time panjat Broga tak seteruk kali ini. This time pancit..ini akibat dah lama tak bersenam and kegemukan.
I thought i'm gonna give up in the half way..but i challenged myself to reach up the hill. By then, i realised that i'm getting fat and fat..OMG...
Somehow,i make it and reached up the hill. tak salah cabar diri sendiri. Sesampai saja atas bukit, terus take a rest sambil cuci mata tengok pemandangam ciptaan Allah.

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