Sunday, January 16, 2011

all ThIs WhILe..

Long time not write blog..huhu...i have so busy life..not have time for write week i will have a midterm for elements of programming...i have to study to cover what i cannot understand in class...

During this time..there is a lot of things happen...since i know him,my life become quite complicated...mana tak nya..nak kena answer sume phone calls..and reply the message..oh Noooooo....i dont like all this things....hidup terkongkong..i wanna simple life ever...

Adakala nya.....aku rasa dah bosan sangat layan lelaki nih..penat..hmmm...aku nak hidup dengan bebas dan happy..sometimes...aku dah tak nak fikir pasal relationship..lantak lah..single pun single lah..tapi...hmmm...

Lelaki ni memang memenatkan is better single than double..kalau naik bas pun...lebih selesa amik single seat daripada amik double seat...nak kne kongsi-kongsi space...ish...rimas aku kata busy..busy lah..bila aku kata aku nak kawan..kawan je lah...not more than that...uhhh..susah sangat ke nak faham??

from now on....i will not think much about this..ape nak jadi..jadi lah...i leave to ALLAH...HE knows what the best for me...dah taknak fikir..dahlah kepala dah semak fikir pasal study..makin ditambah dengan hal-hal remeh nih...yang semak jadi sumak...hahahaha....

give me strength to face with all miserable things..and let me always smiles no matter what comes to me....fight for it...norizan_minnie...

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